So this is it.
The very first newsletter from MissCandyLicious.com
I’m super excited to be sharing a monthly newsletter for the whole of this amazing community.
All the support I have received from everyone of you has inspired me to take actions in my life and accomplish things I never imagined.
To be honest you, your support and your general awesomeness have pulled me out of some very dark places and I can not express in words how grateful I actually am.
That’s why I’ve decided I want to give back to you, I want to raise you up and give you the support you gave me, in hopes I can bring you the same happiness, inspiration and the confidence you instilled inside of me.
The Red Dead community is full of extremely talented people and I’m totally looking forward to getting to know you all on a more personal level and share your talents with the rest of the universe.

To get this started
#RedDeadDailies will resume on Twitch next week.
I will be streaming Tuesday-Thursday from 9:30am-11:00am AEST (Sydney) time.
Tuesdays will be a basic chatathon.
I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts, tips ect and sharing my thoughts with you.
Wednesdays we will stop by the wardrobe,
for obvious reasons, checking out some of the awesome quality clothing and unique ways of putting them together.
Thursdays will be just a game hard or go home event
Lets get to know each other chatting and gaming.

Keep watching MissCandyLicious.com for weekly and monthly promotions articles

Also be expecting all things Wheeler Rawson and co, with items information, outlaw pass club updates and more.

That’s right ladies and gents over the next month you will see the grand opening of
Your one stop place to grab some cool merchandise designed and created by me.

Most exciting for me though are the
Winners of the weekly ‘Where Am I’
Competition will now have the chance to win a prize of a photo of their winning locations hand signed by me and a cute #RedDeadAllDay or #KeepitSweet Sticker.
Monthly wardrobe Wednesday winners in their #RedDeadFits will receive a selected piece of MissCandyLicious merchandise and signed thank you postcard from the State of there choice.
Every 6 months
For #RedDeadPics competition
I’ll be giving away Red Dead Gold (gold is legitimately sold through EB GAMES Australia and will only be available to Australian and NewZealand account holders, until I find away to offer this prize to international users)
International winners will win a MissCandyLicious selected merchandise pack including
•T-Shirt of your choice
•Personalised Mug

Competition terms and conditions.
Everyone 13 and over are allowed to participate via Twitter
You must be following @candysseus & @WheelerRawsonCo on Twitter
Photo post must include relevant competition hashtags.
TO BE A COMPETITION WINNER YOU MUST BE A MEMBER OF MissCandyLicious.com to fill out the secure form so I can have your prize shipped to you.

I hope you are as excited about this as I am, I’m really looking forward to seeing the community come together and show our talents.
Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead online are definitely the games of the century and it’s up to us as the community to share it’s beauty and keep its spirit alive.
Big thanks again to you guys, I’m honestly honoured to have you all supporting me, each other and our community.
I appreciate you.
