Horse Wild Tail - Tan & White
Thick Coarse & rugged style.
Equip in the appearance section at the stables
Provisions Parcel
*Health Tonics
*Chocolate Bars
*Guarma Rum
*Canned salmon
*Canned Kidney Beans
Items delivered to Lockbox at Camp
Provisions Parcel
*Potent Miracle Tonics
*Plain Game Meat
*Plain Plump Bird meat
Items delivered to Lockbox at Camp
Wheeler Rawson & Co Coupon
40% off the original price of Novice & Promising Bounty Hunter items.
Claim your reward directly from the catalogue or in person at your local supplier.
Horse Moustache - Understated
A simple sparse covering of hair for your horse
Equip in the appearance section at the stables
Horse Loose Main - Black & White
Lengthy flowing main for your horse
Equip in the appearance section at the stables
Framed Photograph - Emerald Ranch
Hang behind the bar of your Moonshine shack.
Speak to Maggie to change the decor.
Cloth Wrap - Indigo
Use on any Longarm. Customise your weapon wraps at the gunsmith
Photo Filter
BLUE PASS filter
Use with the Advanced Camera** equipped in the items section of your weapon wheel.
** Advanced Camera SOLD SEPARATELY
Ingredients Parcel
A selection of ingredients for crafting.
Collect from your LockBox at Camp.
Coupon - 25 FREE Trader Goods
Claim in the benefits section of the start menu.
Camp Flag - Duo
One of the creative players of the Red Dead Online SunnyAmaterasu captured this great photo to be one of the winners of Rockstar Games Naturalist Photography challenge and has been featured here on this camp flag.
Change flag at the wilderness outfitters at camp.
Photography Backdrop - Garden
Use at the Photographer's located in Saint Denis & Blackwater.